Swap space is a portion of a hard disk drive that is used for virtual memory. Virtual memory is the use of space on a HDD to simulate additional main memory. Memory is used to hold portions of the operating system, programs and data that are currently in use or that are frequently used. Swap space is usually a dedicated partition that is created during the installation of the operating system. Such a partition is also referred to as a swap partition. However, swap space can also be a special file.
Method for increase swap memory
First, you must create a file
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/file.swap bs=1M count=512
Second, You are instructing linux to create a file of 512 blocks of 1Mb each. You may need to change that value according to your needs.
sudo mkswap /mnt/file.swap
After that, format the file ad swap
sudo swapon /mnt/file.swap
Atlast, add the file to system, so it can be used
That is only temporal for this session, if you want this to permanent, add the following line to the /etc/fstap file
/mnt/file.swap none swap sw 0 0