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How to set up variables for a specific type to use in a Template Drupal 8?

It's almost the same as in Drupal 7, but in Drupal 8 the concept changes as OOP. So there is some difference to call the 'type'. We can't simply…


How to get the value of a node field into a variable in Drupal 8?

/*-->*/ To get the value of a node field first of all we need to get the node object.   So add the below code to your THEME_preprocess_node…


How to Enable Mailchimp in Drupal?

Mailchimp is a Email delivery service. It can be used in drupal sites for sending emails for our subscribers . Drupal Provides a mailchimp module for…


How to get the Latitude and Longitude from Address?

With the help of Latitude and Longitude, we can easily locate the places. Using the below code, You can get the Latitude and Longitude from Address…


How to render a custom form block and a webform block in a single block?

This Example here shows how we can render one custom form block and a webform block in another single block. function MYMODULE_block_info() {   $…


How to create a simple accordion using Bootstrap?

Accordions are very useful GUI (Graphical user interface) element when toggle between  showing and hiding the data. We can make a basic Accordion…