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How to Create a custom forms in Drupal 8
Drupal 8 forms are represented with nested render array structures as the Drupal 7 and there is a separate validation and submission step as well.…
Read moreInstalling and configuring Memcached For Drupal 7
Memcached is an open source caching system with high performance which will increase your site's performance by reducing database load. It is used to…
Read moreHow to create a node programmatically in Drupal 7
Drupal itself provides an interface (node/add) to create a node content for the specific content type. But sometimes we will come across some…
Read moreHow to install ffmpeg in Ubuntu 14.04, 14.10 and Linux Mint
I was trying to crop some video files in Ubuntu for my project. I read some article about ffmpeg that can be used to crop and edit the images and…
Read moreHow to remove PPAs in Ubuntu 14.04,14.10,15.04,15.10 and Linux mint
A Personal Package Archive (PPA) is a special software repository for uploading source packages to be built and published as an APT repository by…
Read more[Solved] Fatal error: Class 'DatabaseTasks_mysql' not found in modules/system/system.install
I was trying to update from Drupal 7.34 to the current (7.39) version. I keep getting the following error on the status report page after updating…
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